SuperMicro JBOD SC847E16-RJBOD1 enclosure with Solaris OpenIndiana

I’ve just deployed a OpenIndiana storage system which uses a SuperMicro JBOD SC847E16-RJBOD1 45 disk enclosure and an LSI Logic SAS 9205-8e HBA controller with OpenIndiana (build 151a). This enclosure allows you to fit huge amount of storage into just 4U rack space.

There’s a great utility called sas2ircu. Together with, these allows you to:

  • Identify where your disks are in your enclosure
  • Toggle the disk locator identify led on and off.
  • Run a smartcl test

So I can now locate my faulted disk with a clear blinking red led so that I can replace it safely.

Installation: Copy both binaries to /usr/sbin and you’re ready to go. Try first running and execute the discover command. Then you can list your disks and their addresses in the enclosure by saying disks.

There’s also the great lsiutil tool available. You need to find the 1.63 version which supports the 9205-8e controller. Unfortunately for some reason LSI has not yet made this tool available on their site. You can download it in the mean time from here:

5 thoughts on “SuperMicro JBOD SC847E16-RJBOD1 enclosure with Solaris OpenIndiana

  1. Hello Juho,
    I was googling in search of information about jbod chassis and found your blog. I’m using a supermicro rjbod1 with hba cards and my server can’t see the disks. Is there any configuration or special setup for the jbod1 or they should work right out of the box?
    Thanks for your article.

  2. Dude, you saved me a TON of time and headaches. I had been neck-deep in the FMA and its integration with cfgadm before I found this. Theoretically this is a SES backplane and failures should automatically indicate from the FMA, but I could find no way to manually flip the failed disk bit. What’s more, this system is going to be remote and I need to depend on datacenter operators to swap disks for me. This blinking red light is pure gold to me! Thanks again!

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